Kemi Johnson
Experienced birth keeper, former NHS and former Independent Midwife in the UK

Experienced Birthkeeper, former NHS & Independent midwife
Hi, I’m Kemi Johnson.
Childbirth these days has many twists and turns in it for many people.
This is largely because of interventions and it can be very hard to figure out whether unwanted events in childbirth are just bad luck, or whether there were reasons or a cascade of events leading from one to the other.
As an experienced Birthkeeper, former NHS and former Independent Midwife in the UK, I provide services to women and families seeking more than the conveyor-belt style of care and education that the NHS is providing people with currently.
As well as working with first-time mothers-to-be, I can help people unravel their thoughts regarding previous births.They walk away lighter, more informed and able to plan future births with strength and confidence restored.
Often birthing women and people are gaslighted about their birth events - I am able to assist them to dig down to what really happened. As a result of the exploration of a previous birth event that enables learning, peace and a new plan, space is made for moving forward with a new way of being whole.
Often there will be a new baby and a new birthing that brings with it healing and deep deep joy.
My life is about family, community and making birth better for all! And so it was necessary to launch a project in September 2021 to provide an in-person service in many locations on the map, in my Birthy Bus. Read more about this project and donate to its development on my Birthy Bus page on GoFundMe.