Conception circle
A three month program hosted by Aimee Hambyln, Victoria Lemmon & Nadia Abououf
Womb & Bloom conception and fertility circles (coming soon) are a place to meet in the safe comfort of a family home.
The aim of these circles is to discuss and explore together, aspects arising around the physical, emotional, social and hormonal aspects arising when planning a pregnancy.
Whether you are planning or trying to conceive naturally or assisted through ICSI or IVF, donor egg, sperm, surrogacy, we welcome you all to start your journey early, to connect to your village of people for resources, signposting and emotional support from others starting on this journey.
Our aim is for you to become the expert of YOU and YOUR body, to remember how to trust yourself and work on your mindset to tune into your intuition. You are in control and the active participant in your journey to parenthood. Our passion lies in you starting early from conception, building up every day and learning to listen in. The more you can do this, the more you become the authority and expert of you and your body. We believe this is paramount as you journey from conception into matrescence, 'the birth of a mother/parent'.
A series of meet ups over a course of 3 months.
A creative space to explore together the physical, social, emotional and hormonal aspects of planning to conceive.
Our aims are :
To form a village community to support women/people and couples on their fertility journey to parenthood.
To provide information and signposting.
To explore our emotional elements and remind each client of their wisdom, intuition and trust in their bodies and minds.
To get creative together using flowers and flower remedies and creative journalling.
Coming soon. If you wish to hear more about this course, click here and we will keep you posted when it is launching.