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Yoga and postnatal specialist Lynn Murphy

Postpartum circle with Lynn Murphy


5 week course - 11am - 1pm
Every Tuesday morning
NOW BOOKING Feb 27th-March 26th

Plus + Two online meet up. Pre & post sessions.
Plus + One to One pre course call for all mothers
Plus + Bonus recordings of support material 

Plus + Invitation to the Motherhood monthly circle.

Intentionally limited to 5 new mothers and their babies
If in need of a concession or you have any questions you want to ask do email me direct lm@lynnmurphyyoga




Here you will receive a complete package of support for your transition into Motherhood. Beginning with a one-to-one call with Lynn, prior to the course, a space for you to share how you are doing and to discuss any physical & emotional challenges you may be experiencing before meeting up as a group. Lynn can offer other support or refer you on to one of our colleagues as needed.


Over the six weeks of the course, you will begin to feel reconnected to yourself, gradually growing in strength and confidence. This will leave you feeling nourished both physically and emotionally which in turn helps you to nourish & nurture your baby.


We do this through an embodied approach to movement & yoga that will help heal and restrengthen you from your core, while also providing the space to simply move, breathe and rest. Over the weeks we get curious about your baby and some of the issues that may concern you, addressing some of these through the simplicity of massage & touch appropriate for young babies.


Support for new mothers & babies in the fourth trimester is so important, but too often overlooked in our present society. You may only see a midwife 1-3 times post birth, compare this to 10 consecutive days that used to be the norm. Lack of support can make navigating ‘Matrescence’ much more of a challenge so book now to be part of a supportive circle of mothers.

Week 1 

Understanding Your Baby better and how to relax the belly.

Plus, sling introduction - You will develop real skills here on how to handle your new baby confidently, helping them to relax more fully which in turn helps you to feel more at ease. Also helping to prepare your baby for happy tummy time.


Week 2

Your Pelvic Wellbeing - how to rehabilitate from your core, starting with the pelvic floor. Embodied movement to help you reconnect and recover. Yoga in these early months can be at the heart of your postnatal recovery, but be assured we start small with simple movements to begin the journey of undoing and releasing tension held in your body post birth. Proper attention is also given to the rehabilitation of your core muscles.


Week 3

Simple Massage Routine to relax baby & you!

Discover when, where and what oils to use etc.

Plus sleeping like a baby?..... Discover a simple approach to massage that you’ll find useful now and for months, even years, into the future with your children. We will develop massage & movement for your babies with a focus also on their optimal development.


Week 4

Your Posture as a New Mum, the stresses, strains & impact on your physical, mental & emotional wellbeing. This slower approach respects where you are energetically, as well as your baby who may be ‘in arms’ during class.  The practice of mindful breathing within yoga helps you relax and gives you a tool to use daily in your new life as a mother.


Week 5

Bringing it all Together - Yoga for Baby & You, recap key points for the wellbeing of you and your baby. Over the five weeks of the course, you will begin to feel reconnected to yourself, gradually growing in strength and confidence. This will leave you feeling nourished both physically and emotionally.




“A huge thank you for holding us all so beautifully during the New Baby & Me course. I loved it so much and felt so supported and reassured throughout. It has also been something I have looked forward to during the week as an anchor and for connection during these early days of motherhood and lockdown

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